Automated Version Releases
Posted on Thursday June 2, 2022
Choosing the next version for your application or side-project can be a tricky process - when you do increase your major version, and what if your patch number is getting a little high? v1.0.0 looks a lot better than v0.1.567 but what's the best approach? I wanted a way of calculating the version automatically using commit messages and built some generic Groovy scripts that can be used in Jenkins builds to increment a version automatically when I merge a PR or push straight to main.
Part of this was to have a path of CI and CD for my side projects, blog and infrastructure; but part of it was to take the hard work out of semantic versioning and determining the correct approach to recording this, providing a consistent approach for everything I put together.
Semantic Versioning
There's been a lot written on Semantic Versioning in various locations, with as the main source. The general and simple approach is as follows:
- You increase major when you're making a breaking change to an API
- You increase minor when you're adding a new feature or change that isn't breaking, and is an addition to an API while maintaining backwards compatibility
- You use patch for bug fixes and incidental fixes
I tend to start from version v0.0.1 (I'm still afraid of starting with v1 it seems) and evolve from there.
The automated process I use runs in the following way:
- The CI pipeline fires for a main branch build, detecting that it requires a release
- The usual tests and builds are made to ensure stability
- The current version is retrieved from the GitHub API
- The release type is calculated by checking the commit messages between the last releases
- This is used to calculate the next semantic version
- The new version is pushed to GitHub and any packages are made and pushed, e.g. Docker images
Get Current Version
This Groovy function takes in a repo (e.g. jamiefdhurst/journal
), connects to the GitHub API to get the version, and returns a map of details to pass into the next step:
def getVersion(String repo) {
withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'github-personal-access-token', variable: 'GITHUB_API_TOKEN')]) {
latestVersion = sh(
script: 'curl --silent -u ' + GITHUB_API_TOKEN + ' "' + repo + '/releases/latest" | grep \'"tag_name":\' | sed -E \'s/.*"([^"]+)".*/\\1/\'',
returnStdout: true
if (!latestVersion) {
versionParts = [0]
latestVersion = 'v0'
} else {
versionParts = latestVersion.tokenize('v')[0].tokenize('.')
major = versionParts[0].toInteger()
try {
minor = versionParts[1].toInteger()
} catch (Exception e) {
minor = 0
try {
patch = versionParts[2].toInteger()
} catch (Exception e) {
patch = 0
return [full: latestVersion, major: major, minor: minor, patch: patch]
Calculating the Release Type
Next, the release type is calculated using the commit messages in-between the last release and this one. Major takes precidence over minor, and minor over patch. These commit message sare captured and built into a changelog, and are scanned for keywords to determine the release:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic
def calculateReleaseType(String repo, String latestVersion) {
url = "${repo}/commits"
// Ensure support for a brand new repo with no current version
if (lastVersion && lastVersion != 'v0') {
url = "${repo}/compare/${lastVersion}...HEAD"
withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'github-personal-access-token', variable: 'GITHUB_API_TOKEN')]) {
responseJson = sh(script: "curl --silent -u ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN} '${url}'", returnStdout: true)
JsonSlurperClassic slurper = new JsonSlurperClassic()
details = slurper.parseText(responseJson)
// Parse the commits to find anything of value
countMajorKeywords = 0
countMinorKeywords = 0
countSkips = 0
commits = details.clone()
if (!(details instanceof List)) {
commits = details.commits.clone()
release = [changeLog: [], release: '']
commits.each{ commit ->
if (commit.commit.message.toLowerCase() =~ /^(break|release)/) {
countMajorKeywords += 1
if (commit.commit.message.toLowerCase() =~ /^(feature|new|add|update)/) {
countMinorKeywords += 1
if (commit.commit.message.toLowerCase() =~ /^(skip ci)/) {
countSkips += 1
if (countMajorKeywords) {
release.release = 'major'
return release
if (countMinorKeywords) {
release.release = 'minor'
return release
if (countSkips) {
return release
release.release = 'patch'
return release
A keep a provision for skipping a release if I'm generating a commit via CI, this might be to record a changelog for example, and generating a new version here would produce an infinite loop.
Next Version
Now this release type is used to calculate the next version:
def calculateNextVersion(Map version, String release) {
switch (release) {
case 'major':
version.major += 1
version.minor = 0
version.patch = 0
case 'minor':
version.minor += 1
version.patch = 0
case 'patch':
version.patch += 1
newVersion = 'v' + version.major.toString()
if (version.minor > 0 || version.patch > 0) {
newVersion = newVersion + '.' + version.minor.toString()
if (version.patch > 0) {
newVersion = newVersion + '.' + version.patch.toString()
version.full = newVersion
return version
Building a Changelog and a Release
All of these utility functions are wrapped in a main release function that calls out where required, which can then be inserted into a Jenkinsfile:
node {
stage('Get Latest Version') {
print 'Getting latest version for: ' + env.repository
version = getVersion(env.repository)
print 'Latest version is: ' + version.full
stage('Determine Next Version') {
releaseDetails = calculateReleaseType(env.repository, version.full)
release = releaseDetails.release
print 'Releasing a ' + release + ' version'
nextVersion = calculateNextVersion(version.clone(), release)
print 'Calculated new version to be: ' + nextVersion.full
releaseText = "Release ${nextVersion.full}"
if (releaseDetails.changeLog.size()) {
releaseText += ", including the following commits: \n- " + releaseDetails.changeLog.join("\n- ")
stage('Checkout Code and Push Tag') {
if (nextVersion.full != version.full) {
print "Releasing ${nextVersion.full}..."
releaseData = JsonOutput.toJson([
tag_name: nextVersion.full,
target_commitish: env.releaseBranch ?: 'main',
name: nextVersion.full,
body: releaseText,
draft: false,
prerelease: false
print "Changelog: \n" + releaseText
withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'github-personal-access-token', variable: 'GITHUB_API_TOKEN')]) {
sh "curl -u $GITHUB_API_TOKEN -X POST -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' '${env.repository}/releases' -d '$releaseData'"
} else {
print 'Not releasing, no new version has been calculated...'
stage('Push Docker Image') {
print "Pushing Docker image..."
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'github-personal-access-token', usernameVariable: 'GITHUB_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD')]) {
sh "docker login -u $GITHUB_USERNAME -p $GITHUB_PASSWORD"
sh """
docker tag ${env.dockerImage}${env.dockerImage}:latest
docker tag ${env.dockerImage}${env.dockerImage}:${nextVersion.full}
docker push${env.dockerImage}:latest
docker push${env.dockerImage}:${nextVersion.full}
Putting It All Together
Finally, you can place it into your Jenkinsfile, such as the one used within this blog:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build and Test') {
// ...
stage('Package and Release') {
when {
branch 'main'
steps {
sh "docker build -t blog -f Dockerfile ."
build job: '/github/blog-folder/release', wait: true
stage('Deploy') {
when {
branch 'main'
steps {
build job: '/github/blog-folder/deploy', wait: true, parameters: [
string(name: 'targetVersion', value: getVersion(repo: 'jamiefdhurst/blog').full)